Skills development for the part of consciousness include cleaning of the body is the question. You need to clean each of the three working bodies - mental, astral and physical. Without cleaning yoga is best left alone. First, as the body of thought is purified? When thinking absolute. Then you need your imagination, your great creative tool, nor to use once. Imagining things, and believe his form of mind-body in the organization you want. Imagine something strongly, as the painter imagines when painted. Display an object if the power of visualization in all, if not, try. It is an artistic faculty, of course, most people shed more or less. See how far you play perfect face you see every day. Through this practice to strengthen your imagination and strengthen your fantasy is you will be great tool you need to do yoga practice.
There is another use of the imagination, which is very valuable. If you feel in your body, mind the presence of the qualities you want, and freedom from those who do not, then you are half and did not. Would also weaken many problems in your life when you need to do before they pass? Why wait until you are helpless in the physical world. If you thought that their problems come in the morning, and until it acts exactly in the middle (you should never hesitate to suggest perfect), if the matter in the day seemed to lose its power, and no longer feel the sting in the same measure. Now each of you must put something in your life than your own problems. Do you think of the phrase and not a question, and if he leaves, you get what you think. You can through their problems and get rid of errors when dealing with them by your imagination.
As the thought body, becomes purified in this way, you must turn to the astral body. The astral body is purified by right desire. Desire nobly, and the astral body will evolve the organs of good desires instead of the organs of evil ones. The secret of all progress is to think and desire the highest, never dwelling on the fault, the weakness, the error, but always on the perfected power, and slowly in that way you will be able to build up perfection in yourself. Think and desire, then, in order to purify the thought body and the astral body. And how shall you purify the physical body? You must regulate it in all its activities--in sleep, in food, in exercise, in everything. You cannot have a pure physical body with impure mental and astral bodies so that the work of imagination helps also in the purification of the physical. But you must also regulate the physical body in all its activities. Take for instance, food. The Indian says truly that every sort of food has a dominant quality in it, either rhythm, or activity, or inertia, and that all foods fall under one of these heads. Now the man who is to be a yogi must not touch any food which is on the way to decay. Those things belong to the tamasic foods--all foods, for instance, of the nature of game, of venison, all food which is showing signs of decay (all alcohol is a product of decay), are to be avoided. Flesh foods come under the quality of activity. All flesh foods are really stimulants. All forms in the animal kingdom are built up to express animal desires and animal activities. The yogi cannot afford to use these in a body meant for the higher processes of thought. Vitality, yes, they will give that; strength, which does not last, they will give that; a sudden spurs of energy, yes, meat will give that; but those are not the things which the yogi wants; so he puts aside all those foods as not available for the work he desires, and chooses his food out of the most highly vitalized products. All the foods which tend to growth, those are the most highly vitalized, grain, out of which the new plant will grow, is packed full of the most nutritious substances; fruits; all those things which have growth as their next stage in the life cycle, those are the rhythmic foods, full of life, and building up a body sensitive and strong at the same time.
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