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Natural and Safe Weight Loss Tips

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, Kapha dosha (humor) is primarily responsible for fat and fat in the body and thus reduce Kapah program is the key to successful weight loss.Here are some tips to effectively reduce Ayurveda Kapha dosha, and thus of overweight and obesity battle.
 weight loss
Among the four dimensions of our being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of this article I will address is the physical dimensionality for reducing Kapha and reduce the correlation of weight.

Weight Loss Tips from Ayurveda

Obviously, an anti-kapha diet is an excellent starting point for those looking to lose weight. This means eating lots of fruits, vegetables, spicy foods and whole grains.

Exercise for Weight Loss

Ayurvedic guidelines should be followed for the proper practice in relation to weight reduction:
  • More exercise best: Kapha's qualities fixed, dull, heavy, sweet and cold to be rejected by the exercise. In other words, the more you exercise more fat and do so to reduce Kapha in your body.
  • Exercise, without too much stress: According to Ayurveda, Kapha people should exert more powerful, but also the exercise should not be extreme. Finding a good balance between too little. A drop of sweat is fun, but if you're completely out of breath, perhaps too much.
  • Be consistent: Kapha body type has a tendency to gain weight if you need to make exercise a part of everyday life. The most difficult is to get your racing program. Once this is done Kapha people tend to be very firm and stable to meet with him in the long term. Since, however, is a different question types, Kapha, and usually requires a shock. The spirit of the shock therapy to understand, not to lose the weight and not, with the exception of the longevity and quality of life in danger. I say no more, start today!
  • Yoga for Weight Loss: Yoga is a great way to exercise their holistic training program to be incorporated. These exercises not only help you lose weight but also help your health and well being.   
  • Post-exercise nutrition: After years of not drinking cold liquids. This period is the key that you are trying to increase the metabolic heat in the cells, causing it to burn more calories and drinking cold fluids at this time, this benefit is denied important exercise.
Hard Physical Work to Burn Calories

According to Ayurveda Kapha reducing physically active life is encouraged. Today's era of technology, computers, TV, TiVo, the Internet, work, etc. The manual is less and less people. We must consciously work to physically take your life. Whether the function of selection cutting grass or shoveling snow, it is important not to live a sedentary life with a glow of television and eat. 

Massage Therapy to Reduce Fat

There are many forms of treatment in Ayurveda, massage is highly recommended. The weight loss and reduction in view of the high Kapha massage oil, like mustard or linseed is reasonable.

The guidelines for weight loss sleep
Do not nap or go to bed early. If you want to reduce weight and Kapha in mind that more calories when you're awake and active for a happy snuggled under the covers burned.
These tips will help you to weight loss goals and help you lose weight, be healthier and fitter.


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