You all know that pure food brings pure blood. You should avoid the two extremes of gluttony and daily
Seven Minor Breathing Exercises
The main purpose of breathing exercise is to give you control over your Prana and unfold the Psychic Force
How to take Breathing Excercise
Find a quiet place as far as possible, where the air is pure and the surroundings soothing and pleasant.
How to Purify your Body
Skills development for the part of consciousness include cleaning of the body is the question. You need to clean
Fast Weight Loss, Weight Loss Diet, Weight Loss Exercise
Natural and Safe Weight Loss Tips
According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, Kapha dosha (humor) is primarily responsible for fat
Weight Loss Product
Valeo Neoprene Hand Weights
If you are looking for some lightweight, fixed dumbbells, Neoprene hand weights should work excellent one. The neoprene coating
Complication to Yoga
The obstacle to Yoga is very inclusive. First, disease: if you are diseased you cannot practice Yoga; it demands
Meditation With and Without Seed
What do we mean by meditation? Meditation cannot be the same for every man. Though the same in principle,
Composition of States of the Mind
The word which is used for the states of the mind by Patanjali is Vritti. This admirably constructed language
How to Improve Mental Body
We must now deal with the mental body, which is taken as equivalent to mind for practical purposes. The
The Function of Yoga in Mind
"Yoga is the inhibition of the functions of the mind," says Patanjali. The functions of the mind must be
The Literature of Yoga
Unfortunately for non-Sanskrit-knowing people, the literature of Yoga is not largely available in English. The general teachings of Yoga
Weight Loss Diet
Drinking Green Tea Help to Lose Weight?
There are a numerous of drinks that are said to help you lose weight fast. As logical we all
Is Yoga a Science?
Yoga is a science, and not a vague, dreamy drifting or imagining. It is an applied science, a systematized
Fast Weight Loss, Weight Loss Exercise
Getting Fit With Cycling Exercising
Cycling exercising is one of the quickest ways to loss weight and feel change. Whether you're discovery way
Weight Loss Product
Fitness Medicine Ball: Cap Barbell's Rubber Medicine Ball
Are you fitness enthusiast? Do you wish keep your body fit for all time? So many fitness tools are
Weight Loss Journal
My Success Story to 29kg less
Hi, My story began about a year ago in April (2007), at that time with about 105 kg at
Weight Loss Journal
DONE! 50 kilos are gone
Hi, This story is my "real" success story! In January 2006 I weighed in at a size of 1.74
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